Our API is very easy to integrate and ensures reliable message delivery. The API can be used by resellers, developers e.t.c to be applied to a 3rd party application, web application or website. To use our API you must be a registered user on DaftSMS.

NOTE: If you are using our API, your account username and password should not contain any special characters/symbols. Username and password must be alphanumeric.

username: Your username on DaftSMS.
password: Your password on DaftSMS.
sender: This is the sender id that will appear on the recipient's phone. Alphanumeric = 11 Characters.
dest: The destination numbers where the message will be sent to. Separated with a comma(,) for multiple recipients.
msg: The message to be sent. 150 characters per message.

Single recipient:
https://www.daftsms.com/sms_api.php?username=megzy&password=major&sender=OneCrib&dest=2349093302368&msg=Testing the API

Multiple recipients:
https://www.daftsms.com/sms_api.php?username=megzy&password=major&sender=OneCrib&dest=2349093302368,08098987676,2348098789876&msg=Testing the API

NOTE: The SENDER, DEST and MSG must be URL ENCODED for the API to work properly. It is advisable to pass 25 destinations at a time for multiple rceipients.

Return values:
146 = Successful
140 = Usuccessful
141 = Insufficient credit

Credit balance report:

meg_report: The value should be set to "balance" to specify that you are quering your account balance.
username: Your username on DaftSMS.
password: Your password on DaftSMS.
